Overdue update

So finally a new update, a little bit more delayed than expected but I'm happy with the changes I've made.

Firstly the movement has been revised, it used an old coding standard I used which probably wasn't the best 2D unity movement I could possibly use. The one I have switched to is much better, the player can no longer jitter along the walls when moving into them and can no longer glitch past crates. There will still be some changes and balancing needed but overall the movement is much better.

A hard level has been temporarily removed, the level is question 2-6 How's your timing, was too hard for so early in the game. However it will return as world 5-1 as I think is will prove a good skills test halfway through the game.

Several new levels have been added with some temporary effects for the TNT crate, pretty much every sprite will have an upgraded version at some point so using place older sprites is fine for now.

Switches that activate doors (both pressure plates and fan switches) have now been colour coded. This simple change makes figuring out puzzles easier and less of a trail an error process.

As well as these changes there has been some back end changes with a lot of encapsulation (however still more needed, can you ever have too much encapsulation?). Some dev specific commands have also been adjusted but those are less important to speak about.

So yeah, I'm fairly happy with the changes to this version of the game, more levels, improved controls, some quality of life features, what's not to like. I don't know when this next update will be as I want to work on a special Christmas project so will be splitting my time between that and this project. The next update will likely just be more levels rather than major changes to the gameplay like this update is. See you in the next one!


Mansion of Doom Play in browser
Oct 21, 2023

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