A downloadable game

This project is an interactive board game originally created for my Mum's 60th birthday and then changed to be a Christmas game the family plays once a year.

This project was incredibly personal so elements have been redacted from the screenshots and obviously can't be downloaded as the questions and locations are about my family.

The idea of the game is to visit each location on the board and answer a photo or video questions. If you get the question correct you will acquire the corresponding item (for instance you get the butter beer from Harry Potter studio tours).

Along the way there are a variety of different spaces that each have an effect when landing on, these are as follows:

Purple - Action Card - Pick up an action card that has various effects for use in the game.

Green - Mini Game - Play a mini game and earn coins if you win.

Blue - Wolf History - Answer a question about the family history and get an extra turn if you get it correct.

Yellow - Gain 2 coins

Red - Lose 2 coins

Brown - A space with no effect, end your turn

White - Location Event - Answer a video or photo question to attempt to obtain the item from that location.


There are other features that add to the variety. 

Action Cards are real life cards that have actions you can do during the game (such as increasing prices of toll roads or freezing a players movement).

There are toll road shortcuts you can use using coins. These allow you to skip sections on the orange paths to try to catch up. Coins can be collected by landing on yellow spaces or winning Mini-Games.

There are a variety of mini-games, these are as follows:

Wolftucky Derby - A race. Choose a coloured racer and cheer them on to victory. the racers all have the same chance of winning and move at random speeds and change speeds at random times.

Guess my number - A number between 1 and 100 is generated. Each player must give a number and whomever is closet to the generated number is the winner.

Pick a box - 27 boxes appear on the screen. Each box has a 50/50 chance of being red or green on the inside. Players take turns selecting a box, if its green you're still in the game, if it's red you are out. Last player standing wins.

Plinko - A Ball is dropped from the top of a Plinko machine, there are pegs in between the top and the 8 drop zones at the bottom. Players select a drop zone in turn, if the ball lands in your selected zone you are the winner. The ball has a random bounciness each game making it even more unpredictable.

Rock, Paper, Scissors - Players play rock, paper, scissors agaisnt the game. The game will randomly choose between rock, paper or scissors. Players must also then make their decision. if they win or draw they're still in the game, if they lose they're out. Last player standing wins.

Memory match - 30 cards appear on screen all face down. They are randomly shuffled. There are 15 pairs. Players get 5 seconds to memorize as many pairs as they can. In  turn, players choose two cards and if they are a pair they're still in the game, if not they are out. Last player standing wins.


Wolf History questions appear when a player lands on a blue space, they are given a question about the family history. If they get the question correct they win another turn. If not their turn just ends.


Location Event Questions appear when a player passes a white space (they don't need an exact number to land on a location space). They are then faced with a random picture or video question in a a variety of forms. If they get it correct they win the item from that location. If they get it wrong, their turn is over and they can try again on their next turn. The question types available are as follows:

Picture Question -  A standard picture question. A picture will be shown on screen with a corresponding questions, such as, what year was this taken?

Hidden item/Person Question - A picture is shown onscreen with a black box covering a certain element of the picture. The player must guess what or whom is hidden.

Video Question - A standard video question, a video is shown with a corresponding question.

What's next - A video question that will show the beginning of a video clip and then asks what happens next. The player must guess what happens and when the answer is revealed the rest of the clip is played.


This project was a labour of love and took a lot of hours to get working. I learnt a lot about development during this project.

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